Christian Love (DO873)
In this classic guide, Fr Edwards sets out a clear exposition of what love means in marriage, chastity, and virginity, opening up clear thinking about the issues despite being under huge secular pressures.
What does the Catholic Church teach on love and sex? In this classic guide, Fr Edwards sets out a clear exposition of what love means in marriage, in chastity and in virginity. This booklet opens up clear thinking about the issues which, despite huge secular pressures to do so, just won’t go away: contraception, premarital sex and homosexuality.
It is an honest, engaging and straightforward Catholic blueprint for everyone – single, celibate or married – to aid them in seeing love for what it truly is: a gift, both human and divine, which is utterly beyond compare. An accessible explanation of the beauty and joy in Christian marriage. Includes a powerful defence of the celibate vocation.