Blessed Carlo Acutis: Five Steps to Being a Saint (B776)
Discover the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis, the computer geek on his way to sainthood, and unpack his five simple practices that led to great holiness. With colour photos of Blessed Carlo and a selection of his most inspiring quotes.
Carlo Acutis may have only been 15 when he died, but already he had learned how to live for Jesus. In this biography, discover the life of the computer geek who became the first millennial to be beatified by the Catholic Church.
Throughout his life, Blessed Carlo Acutis used five simple practices to increase in holiness – practices which every Catholic can imitate in their own lives today. Unpack how this young man learned to live for God in this biography, which also features colour photos of Carlo and a selection of his most inspiring quotes.
“We make a choice in life: God or nothing. Blessed Carlo Acutis chose God – “Not I, but God” – in five simple practices. The Mass, Adoration, Confession and spiritual guidance, befriending the Blessed Mother and the saints, and charity. These daily “appointments” led Carlo to a life of intimacy with Jesus and love for neighbour”. (Cardinal Sarah)