7 Words on Marriage (PA49)
Here are 7 life-giving words to shed light on your marriage, drawing from the marriage promises, married couples in Scripture, and from the inspirational insights of Popes Francis and John Paul II.
Pope Francis described Christian marriage as “The most beautiful thing God has created”. This booklet explains why, using seven keywords, taken from Scripture and the Marriage Rite, to speak of the beauty of Marriage, the strength and joy it gives to husband and wife, to their humanity, family and to society at large. Seven chapters dwell on 7 words: ‘Raphael’, ‘I take thee’, ‘Ring’, ‘Blessing’, ‘Nuptial bed’, ‘Cana’, ‘Sunem’, explaining their significance for the couple and their life’s project together, with a reflection and a practical ‘point’ for the couple to hold onto.